
Small visual indicator typically used to convey status, notification count, or other contextual information within the user interface.

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import React from "react";
import { VariantProps, cva } from "class-variance-authority";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";

type Props = {
  text: string;

const badgeVariants = cva(
  "flex cursor-default items-center text-xs font-medium hover:shadow-[1px_1px_0px_0px_rgba(0,0,0,1)] transition-all",
    variants: {
      variant: {
        default: "border-orange-700 bg-orange-400/70",
        pink: "border-pink-700 bg-pink-500/70",
        light: "text-zinc-900 border-slate-300 bg-slate-50/70",
        dark: "border-zinc-900 bg-zinc-700/70 text-white",
        blue: "border-blue-700 bg-blue-500/70",
        yellow: "border-[#d3aa2f] bg-[#f7cb46]/70",
        green: "border-green-700 bg-green-500/70",
        red: "border-red-700 bg-red-500/70",
      rounded: {
        none: "rounded-none",
        sm: "rounded-sm",
        md: "rounded-md",
        lg: "rounded-lg",
        xl: "rounded-xl",
        full: "rounded-full",
    defaultVariants: {
      variant: "default",
      rounded: "none",

const Badge: React.FC<Props & VariantProps<typeof badgeVariants>> = ({
  variant = "default",
  rounded = "none",
}) => {
  return (
      className={`border p-1 ${cn(badgeVariants({ variant, rounded }))}`}

Badge.displayName = "Badge";

export default Badge;
byIval Shamkya